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Louis B Burrows plays/is perfect for your concert venues, outdoor events and living room concerts.
To book Louis B Burrows for your event please get in touch!!
All shows listed here are confirmed unless otherwise noted. The info here is the latest and most accurate info we have. Please check directly with the venues to confirm show times, ticket prices, and age requirements.
We try our best to book shows at venues that allow all ages to enter. But there are cities where the only available venues have age requirements. We can’t help you get into an age restricted show. Sorry!
We allow audio recording with prior approval wherever it doesn’t conflict with venue or other restrictions beyond our control. We don’t allow direct soundboard patches. We support non-commercial free trading of live recordings between fans. Songs that have not been previously released on an album will be excluded from trading. Please contact Adam Klavohn at least 7 days before a show to get approval. Adam will send you an e-mail confirmation. You must print this and bring it to the show for the tour manager to see before you are allowed to record. We reserve the right to have unauthorized recordings removed from websites without warning. As a courtesy, it would be super cool if you provided a copy of the recording to Adam so we can keep it in our archives.
We don’t allow professional photography at shows without prior permission. Please contact Adam Klavohn at least 7 days before a show to get approval. Adam will send you an e-mail confirmation. You must print this and bring it to the show for the tour manager to see before you will be allowed to shoot photos. No special access will be granted before or after the show or to the backstage areas of the venue.
Fans may take photos with a compact camera or cell phone without a flash for their own personal use. Please use common sense… be respectful of the people around you. It can be very distracting to Rocky and other fans when someone is constantly taking photos during a show.
Rocky will retain all rights to use any live photos in anyway without restrictions if they are published on the internet or any other medium. If you see a photo of yours that we are using, please get in touch. We’ll happily add a photo credit.
We don’t allow video recording at any show. This includes Living Room Shows. Don’t bring video recording devices to shows. You will not be allowed to enter the show with these devices. NO EXCEPTIONS. Unauthorized videos will be removed from Youtube, Vimeo and other video hosting sites without warning.
Thanks for your understanding. We really appreciate your help to make each show a special shared experience between you and Rocky.
We never have opening bands on the Living Room Shows. For shows at regular venues, we always have the opening bands figured out before we book the tours. Even if you don’t see an opening band listed on the website we probably have someone confirmed. It is the firm policy of Undertow (Rocky’s management) and The Agency Group (Rocky’s booking agency) to not put additional opening bands on shows.